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SUE Abogados&Economistas

high degree of specialisation|legal advice| any area of the company

Who we are

We are a Law Firm who provide legal aid in any scope of business and markets. This is done with added value: our high standard of expertize.

It is our very own expertize which sets us apart in the field of Law, and which guarantees the utmost excellence for our clients in our service and our results.

Our headquarters is located in Valencia, notwithstanding that our scope of action covers the entire national territory. We have a very dynamic structure and a size that guarantees closeness to the client and a very personalized treatment, while allowing us to work and respond to the needs of our customers with greater agility and flexibility.

Hence, we are able to guarantee experience, legal solidity, personalised treatment and professional capacity to act rapidly and with true, technical accuracy.





All partners and the rest of the team members are experts in company law, especially in commercial law and in judicial and arbitration proceedings, some of us being present in some of the most prominent international directories.

Our great experience

backs us up in insolvency proceedings

as Insolvency Administrators

as Auxiliary Delegates

as pursuing Lawyers

defence of Creditors

Integral solution

Our trajectory and experience allow us to offer an integral, personalized service with global coverage, attending to the needs and requirements at every moment and for each specific case.

Human capital

Our firm offers legal advice in any area of the company and the market. And we do it, in addition, with a high added value: our high degree of specialization, for which we have received innumerable national and international recognitions.


All members of the team are qualified lawyers or economists to provide assistance in the different disciplines. In addition, the conviction of teamwork guarantees comprehensive advice with absolute coordination of our professionals.


Everyday, we review all judicial and non-judicial auctions

(BOE, Social Security…). We offer advice about the possible bids

of movable and real state assets

Last News

MIFID II: ¿Siempre gana la banca?

MIFID II: ¿Siempre gana la banca?

Helena Arias Martínez. SUE ABOGADOS Y ECONOMISTAS. A pocos meses de la entrada en vigor de la Directiva sobre Mercados de Instrumentos Financieros (mejor conocida como MIFID II), preparada para producirse el 3 de enero del 2018, ya comienza a palparse en el sector...